Committee Members & Directors

Mar 1, 2021 | Beckets Grove Phase 2, Committee, Management Company

As discussed in our first meeting we would like to ask members who have joined us to volunteer if they wish to be part of the committee we are aiming to form. We will be looking to appoint a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and then members of a general committee. Our intention is to have around fifteen committee members in total.

  • The Chairperson’s main role is chairing committee meetings and acting as the spokesperson on behalf of the committee when necessary.
  • The Vice-chairperson’s main role is to support the Chairperson and stand in when required.
  • The Secretary’s main role is dealing with the committee organisation, sending emails, arranging meetings, and taking minutes
  • The Treasurer’s main role is looking after committee income and expenditure when and if required.

In addition, when Persimmon have handed over fully, we would like to get residents appointed as the directors of Beckets Grove Phase 2 (Wymondham) Management Company Ltd. This will replace the current Persimmon directors. We feel it is important that the directors are also part of the committee. When the time arrives, all residents need to be advised of the possibility of becoming a director. Being prepared for this will be beneficial to make sure that it happens and gives us control over the future of the management company and those working on its behalf. Please note, only home owners can become directors, you also need to be the first named on the management company records for your property.

Below is a form to complete to volunteer to be part of the committee and indicate the roles you would be willing to take. The form also allows you to indicate if you would be willing to be a director of the management company.

Once we have volunteers, we will look to hold another meeting to appoint positions and start to draw up a constitution for the committee to operate by.

Volunteer to be a Committee Member

Volunteer to be part of Committee (Select all roles you would be willing to take)

Would you be willing to be a director of the management company?

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