
Nov 27, 2020 | Beckets Grove Phase 2

We keep having issues with littering on the site particularly around areas where site contractors park their vehicles. Coincidentally it often occurs when contractors spend their lunch breaks in these vehicles. Building materials have also been found scattered around the site on many occasions. There has even been witnesses to the dumping of building screed by contractors into the wooded area at the back of the estate.

These issues have been raised on a number of occasions to Persimmon’s Senior Contracts manager. The building materials were eventually removed, and we have been advised that greater monitoring will take place. Persimmon remain responsible for keeping the site tidy on any areas that have not been handed over to Chamonix. Chamonix should clear litter in adopted areas as part of their contract with the Phase 2 Management Company.

Littering of any type by anyone is a blight upon an area and there should be not tolerance of it. If you witness any type of littering on the site then please safely collect as many details as you can about it and report it to us.